Spelling City I have two spelling groups so each group has their words to practice. I put vocabulary words on my page also and all games, tests, etc are recorded for me to see.
Reading A-Z I like this site for guided reading books AND it has a lot of choices for me when I'm teaching 5th grade social studies. I like the quick check quizzes.
3. Scott Foresman -reading series- this was a one time purchase and I like it because I have access to all worksheets online, and tests are either from the basal or I can decide on which strategy and make a test. Results from the tests lets me know areas of concern.
Quia- I can make quizzes of my choice and with a subscription I can keep track of students. Their matching/word search/cloze games are great on the smartboard. This site takes the most time, but I can save quizzes, games, etc. and not let them be visible until needed. I used this for vocabulary until I started using Spelling City.
I'd love to have BrainPop but my school would never spring for the cost :(
I also liked IXL Math, but I'm not teaching math this upcoming school year.