
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Spring Break

We have spring break this's really girls' basketball tournament just 3 days of teaching.
 Do any of you use Netflix in the classroom?  I find their National Geographic movies are really good (sometime just a little long for 4th graders).

 We can't get YouTube at school...but I'm able to use Netflix.  Go figure!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Preparation for the Dreaded STATE TEST

Thank you Stephanie at Teaching in Room 6 .  You have made my weekend.  She has put together a wonderful plan to help students prepare for the STATE TEST. 

I'll be using the task cards from Proteacher, SRA labs, and

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Most teachers are familiar with Pintrest...and love it...I do, and here's my latest find.  This was an easy sign to make for the hallway...and it relays the rule in a way that's memorable.

This Time of the School Year

This seems so appropriate for this time of the school year...

HERE   is the original site. 

Thursday and Friday, I'm off to Nebraska's Reading Conference

Aimee Buckner  will be presenting Thursday.  Looking forward to her workshop.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


This week we'll be MAPS testing.  How do you use the results?  What or how do you share results with parents?  I would prefer testing at the end of January, because shortly we'll be taking the state assessments. It seems like all we do second semester is test...test...test.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Valentine for students

I have these rock, paper, scissor candy for my students....

so I made this card using PrintShop and the post-it note option...

we'll be decorating Valentine bags this week.  I have a Mystery Valentine (like secret santa) for my students if they decide to particpate.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Parent Communication

What do other teachers do to communicate with parents?

1. I keep all papers and send them home on Friday with a coversheet.  The coversheet lists items of interest pertaining to events coming up for just our class.  Students are suppose to bring back the sheet on Monday---it needs to be signed by a parent. Every other week I send home grades which contains assignments and missing work.
2. I have  a blog where I have a generic look at our upcoming week.  I'm no sure how much this is visited...guess I could add a counter.  Kristen designed the page.  I have the skills to make a webpage, but I can't figure out what to do to make a blog site :(

Friday, February 3, 2012

Search and Research

Oh Yes...I'm experiencing a snow day, so that's the reason for the mid-day post.  (big smile)

I have both my 4th graders and 5th grade social studies students search for various topics on the internet.  Lots of time when they do a google search they end up at I've found wiki-summarizer.  I'm excited to start using this.  It should eliminate lost of wasted searching time...and going to unwanted sites.  Has anyone else used this?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tag and I'm It

I was tickled to find out last weekend that I'd been's my responses...sorry gals, but everyone else I follow has also been tagged.

Finding Joy in 6th Grade:

Here Are My Questions
1.  What is your favorite Starbucks beverage ? venti mocha
2.  What is your favorite way to enjoy a new book? ipad for traveling...reading in bed-a REAL book
3.  If you weren't a teacher, what career would be your second choice? work for Halmark as a card designer
4.  What is the first subject you plan for when you start your lesson plans for the upcoming day? reading
5.  If you have traveled, what is your favorite country to visit?  Israel
6.  Have you been a principal? NO Would you ever want to be? NO
7.  What dessert would you choose in a fancy restaurant? sundae
8.  What's the most adventurous/daring/exciting thing you have ever done (that you can blog about!)? Travel to Venice with 4 other people who had never been there!!
9.  If you slept in "late" one morning, what time would it be? 8:00am
10.  Do you still read magazines?  Only when I go to have my hair cut.
11.  Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? sunrises
12.  What brings you JOY? My family (especially grandkids-we facetime on the computer since only one lives close) and my teaching.

From Rebecca at The teacher's chatterbox
1.  What movie could you watch over and over again?  Last Shrek movie/Rio/ Sex and the City
2.  What would be your dream vacation?  French Riviera
3.  Do you like to cook?  NO 
4.  Are you tech savvy?  sort of
5.  What is your guilty pleasure? chocolate/mochas
6.  What is your favorite book to read aloud to your kiddos? Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
7.  Are you more crafty or sporty?  like aerobics...but crafty and sporty-NO
8.  Are you an early bird or a night owl? early bird
9.  Facebook, Twitter, or Both? Both
10.  If you were told you were going to be teaching abroad, where would you want to teach? Italy
11.  Do you collect anything? dust/dirty dishes/laundry
12.  What is your most memorable teaching moment? smiling faces of my students