
Saturday, February 23, 2013

That Time of Year...

2.5 snow days...need to start thinking about MAPS...state assessment...and I'm on the district's team to implement a new teacher evaluation framework mandated by the state...

AND how many days until summer?

Of my followers and blog stalkers...who is evaluated using the Marzano  design?  My district has decided on that format for data should fit nicely into our state's new framework.

So until life leaves me more time to be creative...and less stressed-out over what standards I need to teach...I doubt I'll have one creative or useful bone in my body.


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Biography Book Project

My 4th grade class has monthly book projects.  One of my favorites is when we study biographies.  Students must read a biography, make a timeline, a poem about the famous person, and give a speech as that person...thus the picture.  Did you guess my guests were Pocahontas, Jim Thorpe, and Helen Keller.