
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Edmodo or Wiki??

Is there anyone social networking with Edmodo?   Did anyone get an invitation to Google Circles?  Does anyone use wiki pages?

edmodo-I like the idea of blogging and I'm not sure I want to belong to another social network...either this one or google circle.  I have a twitter account, but fb is just enough networking for me.

Wiki- in the past when we tried to use wiki pages in the computer lab, it only let so many on to edit the page...With, each student has their own username/password and they can all be on.

There is just so much 'stuff' out there in cyberspace...what is everyone using?


  1. I used Edmodo last year with my students. It was a choice during centers for them to do a journal prompt or to Read. I posted online reading articles with comprehension questions. However, I had a hard time getting them to buy into the program. I did not use it as a grade and am thinking about changing that for this year. I am going to use Edmodo this year as a choice to post homework assignments and to maybe collaborate with another class (Are you interested?)I was just invited this weekend to Google +, but haven't really used it much. I love Twitter!!! I have gained a lot of professional resources from postings and chats. If you haven't participated in the chats you must try or you can read them on their WIKIs. Let me know if you are interested and I can give you more information. I am definitely using kidblog this year. Not definite on exactly how but here are some of my ideas, to post at least one writing a quarter for their peers and parents to read and comment and to have a blogger of the week to blog about what is going on in class.

  2. I used edmodo with my class last year. I did it for short writing responses, quick polls, and online book discussion. I like that you can set up assignments and it give you a quick vision of who has turned it in and who has not. You can add grades and/or comments for the kids as feedback. To me it a great starting point before letting them get going on kidblog.

    I have also used it to connect with other fourth grade teachers in hopes of getting some connections between our classes.

