
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

First Day Powerpoint Here's what I show my students on the first day of school.  It gives the schedule, some expectations, and supplies.  I usually copy it and send home. I have another one for the next day that lists some of the procedures.

Does anyone else do something similar?


  1. I love your first day PowerPoint! I usually do a PPT to introduce myself, but I like the idea of giving them the information they need to know and a handbook of the slides. Thanks for sharing!


  2. You are an amazing and marvelous woman! Thank you so, so much for sharing this. May I copy and change?

    Melly <><

    Second Grade Strategies for Sizzlin' Second Graders!

  3. LOVE your powerpoint! It seems like it would really help to stay on track that first day with what to tell your students. I've actually been working on one of my own, but it doesn't look nearly as awesome as yours! Thanks for sharing this! It has inspired me to get to work. :)

    Smarter Than a Fourth Grader

  4. Very nice! I do something similar, but mine is in SMART Notebook. I don't go into some of the logistics like you do, so I may go back and add them. Thanks for sharing!

    Lifelong Learning

  5. There are over 6 Tacky Books. I hope to make more units about them all. Thank you for joining my giveaway. Have a great day!
    Life with Mrs. L

  6. What an awesome idea!! Thanks for sharing a great idea. Just found your blog and became your newest follower!!
