
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Lunch Time

Here's a question for all my blogger friends...
1.  How long do your students have for lunch...some days my students will have as long a 40 minutes...yikes!
2.  How many of you rotate noon recess supervision?  In my 20+ years of teaching this is the first year I've had the extra assignment of noon recess supervision. 

This lovely bombshell was presented to us today...1 day before students arrive.  For some reason the aides,that usually cover noon recess, are now in charge of the salad bar in the cafeteria and checking names for least I don't have to eat with my this may be a good trade-off.


  1. Our lunch/recess time are combined as well. My kids go to recess at 10:55, and are back from lunch at 11:35. Our kids basically have around 20ish minutes for lunch. We do have recess duty for about 10 minutes, but my grade level agreed to do a rotation system so we only have duty 2 times a week :)

    Good luck with your duty! I am still spinning from the changes to our breakfast in the classroom program!

  2. We have had to eat lunch in the cafeteria for the past two years. This year, our new principal asked that we eat with our students for the first week of school...Wed. thru Tues. Today was the last day, but I'm kind of enjoying it because I get a feel for the class. Second graders say a LOT at the lunch table.


    Second Grade Strategies for Sizzlin' Second Graders!

    The Yellow Rocking Chair

  3. We must work at the same school. Ha! we also have recess this year for the first time in the 10 years I have been teaching there. We have a 30 minute lunch period, then a 15 minute recess and a 15 minute bathroom break. My partner teacher and I rotate every week for who monitors lunch and recess. I have recess duty this week and she has lunch.

  4. We have a 30 minute lunch period and 20 minute recess. But way for it....we have to stay with them at both :(

  5. Last year my kids ate for about 20 min and had recess on the playground for another 20 min. We have aides in our school that cover both, so teachers use this time (40 min) as their lunch. We don't have any supervision duties, unless you are a special area teacher (pe, art, music, or computers) then you might supervise some arrivals or dismissals.

    3rd Grade Randomness

  6. We have a 50 minute duty free lunch time. Kids have lunch first and then had out to recess.

    I have never had to supervise lunch or lunch recess, and I have taught in five different districts....Hope it all works out for you.

    Lifelong Learning

  7. Jennifer & Laura...I want to teach in your buildings!

    I'm sure the issues will work out!! But I'm not sure 4th graders can sit in the cafeteria for 40 minutes on the weeks I have noon duty and be good.

  8. It is amazing how different lunch & recess duty is in different states. When I was in Washington I never had recess or lunch duty. However, in Texas, all 7 of the 4th grade teachers have to go out to recess. We all supervise...everyday. Lunch is 30 minutes and there is no lunch recess. I wish there was though... 30 minutes in the cafeteria leaves a lot of opportunity to misbehave. :) ~Amanda @ The Teaching Thief

  9. Our contract states that we get a 40 minute duty free lunch, if we end up supervising during any of it, they HAVE to pay us comp time and they hate doing it. So it's up to the building principal to find coverage for lunch recess.

    Teachers do have to rotate between monitoring the other recesses and usually it amounts to once or twice a week, depending on the schedule we're on.
