
Saturday, July 14, 2012

To Do list

ready for the welcome bags

'I'm absent' homework folders made

 ready for the 'homework completed' basket

Student checklist updated (which isn't always a good idea since there are always deletions and additions to the class list)

I am slowly coming  to the realization that school will be starting in less than a month...Action is needed...not pinning and hopping!!  I just wish it wasn't so hot (100's today and all next week).



  1. My list is still a big jumble of ideas in my head. I need to start putting something down on paper and get to the action as well. At least we are all in it together. :)

    The Teaching Thief

  2. I am SOO in the same boat as you in that I need to get my act together since school starts August 7th, but I just need to enjoy this time to myself - this year will be rough (way too many changes I won't burden you with) but at least I'm surfing the tidal waves with my awesome 4th grade teaching team. Happy to have found another 4th grade teacher blog & I'm your newest follower! Come visit my blog & enter my first giveaway while you're there - wishing you the best WINNING luck!
